Orange County AC Maintenance

Although air conditioners are expected to endure harsh environments, they need regular servicing to live up to these expectations. An unmaintained air conditioner opens opportunities for breakdowns, repairs, and replacements. Anyone who has dealt with this agrees that it is expensive, dreadful, and is not a great experience. You guessed it — most of these […]

Why Do I Have to Add Refrigerant to my Air Conditioning Every Year?

It’s not unusual for most air conditioner users to take the appliance for granted. The only time they become concerned is when their unit stops running correctly. Understandably, the AC is a rare item on most owners’ daily to-do. But for your comfort, it’s high time you started giving it some attention. When your AC […]

Why Air Conditioners Ice Up and How to Fix Them

Like most people, you are probably wondering why your air conditioner is freezing up in the summer. First, there is no need to worry. This is a common occurrence with air conditioners. However, just because it is a common occurrence doesn’t mean it’s a good thing. The freezing of air conditioners has been shown to […]